Northern Patagonia Adventure

14 Days Starting and ending in Bariloche

Visiting: Patagonia, Argentina

Tour operator:

Active Adventures

Tour code:


Guide Type:

Fully Guided

Group size:

5 - 14

Physical rating:


Age range:


Trip Styles:

Active, Adventure Tours

This tour is no longer available

Tour Overview

You'll fall in love with the relaxed Patagonian culture and picture-perfect landscapes of Chile and Argentina. Hike a handful of national parks, kayak across fjords, stay in comfortable accommodations, and enjoy delicious local cuisine.


  • Kayak: Seven Lakes and Reloncavi Fiord

  • Hike: Cerro Llao Llao and Playa Tacul

  • Hike: Cerro Falkner and Bella Vista

  • Hike: Osorno Volcano

  • Explore the Ring of Fire

  • Visit Huilo Huilo Reserve

  • Discover Parque Pumalín

  • Travel the Cruce Andino route through 4 National Parks

  • Hike: Cerro Llao Llao & Playa Tacul | Cerro Falkner & Bella Vista | Osorno Volcano

  • Kayak: Seven Lakes | Reloncavi Fiord

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Day 1:Arrive, Explore San Carlos De Bariloche

Accommodation Name: Las Marianas Family Hotel, Bariloche

Meals Included: Dinner

Our trip begins in Bariloche, a fantastic little town set on the shoreline of Lago Nahuel Huapi and the National Park of the same name (the oldest National Park in Argentina). You’ll have the afternoon to explore the town center with its log and stone buildings, quaint shops and endless views across the lake to stunning Andean peaks. A town and setting this perfect might make you think it’s all too good to be true, but there’s really no catch here – it’s the perfect starting point for an adventure into one of the world’s most stunning regions. Before dinner this evening your trip leader will go through the plan for your adventure in plenty of detail, building the excitement for the days to come - then we’ll experience a typical Patagonian evening meal together.

Day 2:Hike Cerro Llao Llao And Playa Tacul

Accommodation Name: Las Marianas Family Hotel, Bariloche

Meals Included: Breakfast Lunch Dinner

Our first outing on foot in this region is a hike to Cerro Llao Llao. After breakfast Patagonian style, we’ll take a short ride along the shoreline of Lago Nahuel Huapi to the trail head of Cerro Llao Llao. The trail weaves through spectacular forest and zig-zags its way up to the rocky outcrops that dot the ridge line, overlooking three different lakes as well as the peaks of Cerro Lopez and Cerro Capilla. Not a bad place for a morning tea break! After soaking in the spectacular views we’ll descend to lake level and walk the shoreline to the pristine lake beach Playa Tacul. Patagonian rivers and lakes are pure, clean and refreshing – we’ll have time to take a dip in the crisp lake waters and soak in the views before heading back to Bariloche.Hiking:9 kilometers (5.6 miles), 2-3 hours, elevation +/- 200 meters (656 feet)

Day 3:Hike Cerro Bella Vista Or Free Time In Bariloche

Accommodation Name: Las Marianas Family Hotel, Bariloche

Meals Included: Breakfast Lunch Dinner

After breakfast this morning, we’ll head a short distance out of Bariloche and begin our hike to the Cerro Bella Vista, which literally means “beautiful view”. No surprises as to what’s in store for us today then! It’s a heart-pumping hike as we head above the treeline of the Cerro Bella Vista peak, but the views are well worth the effort as we’ll take in 360-degree views of the myriad lakes and crowded horizon line of huge peaks. If you’d prefer to spend the day with some downtime or with other activities, the day is yours to explore Bariloche and its surroundings.Hiking:12 kilometers (7.5 miles), 6-7 hours, elevation + 800 meters (2,624 feet) / - 1,000 meters (3,280 feet)

Day 4:Journey Through "Ruta De Los Siete Lagos", Kayak Lake Machonico

Accommodation Name: Le Village Hotel, San Martin

Meals Included: Breakfast Lunch Dinner

We’ll leave Bariloche this morning and head through the renowned “Road of the Seven Lakes”, a journey of extraordinary beauty. We’ll wind through lush forests, skirt crystal clear lakes and pass dramatic waterfalls, and a stop for a swim is certainly an option if you’re keen! Once we reach Lake Machonico, we’ll don lifejackets and head out for a paddle in the kayaks, our kayak guide will share insights about the surrounding landscape, including Volcan Lanin, the immense cone which dominates as the centerpiece of the National Park of the same name. Afterward, we’ll drive a short distance to San Martin de Los Andes, a beautiful little town on the shore of Lago Lácar that proudly enjoys a laid-back pace of life and some of the best mountain views anywhere in the world. For our evening meal, we’ll be treated to views overlooking Lago Lácar, a perfect closing to a wonderful day.Kayaking:2 hours

Day 5:Hike Volcan Lanin

Accommodation Name: Le Village Hotel, San Martin

Meals Included: Breakfast Lunch Dinner

As well as being famous for dramatic granite peaks and lakes, Northern Patagonia and the lakes district is equally renowned for its perfectly conical volcanic peaks.

We’ll begin our hike at Puerto Canoa on the shores of Huechulafquen Lake. The trail is well-marked, initially crossing a pampa of radales before we embark on a smooth, gradual ascent into a forest of cohiues and araucarias. After a while we’ll encounter a steep step to navigate around an old volcanic slag covered with vegetation. As the forest ends, the trail opens to a perfect view of the hanging glacier on the southern slope of the volcano.

We’ll return along the same route and head back to San Martin with time to relax before dinner.Hiking:20 kilometers (12.4 miles), 8 hours, elevation +/- 1,020 meters (3,346 feet)

Day 6:Hike Lacar Lake, Ferry To Huilo Huilo Reserve

Accommodation Name: Reino Funghi Hotel, Huilo Huilo

Meals Included: Breakfast Lunch Dinner

This morning our hike crosses land belonging to the Mapuche people of this region, skirting around the base of Cerro Curru-Huinca hill, and after a couple of hours or so, leading us to the road where our transport will be waiting. We’ll then take a stunning drive through the Parque Nacional Lanin to the Chilean border crossing. With another stamp in the passport we’ll board a ferry on the shores of Lago Pirihueico (can you keep up with all these lakes?!), and head across to the Huilo Huilo Reserve. This is a 600 km2 private biological reserve in the heart of the Chilean temperate rainforest with a high amount of precipitation and relatively warm temperatures during summer. Nature lovers will find themselves in paradise here, with 81 known bird species, and even the elusive puma living here. Today is a day full of highlights, and there’s one more to come – our home for the evening – the Reino Funghi Hotel. Shaped like a mushroom, paying homage to the fungi found in the surrounding forest, this hotel is a feat of architecture and unlike anything you’ll have ever stayed in! Settle in this evening with an onsite brewed beer and views to die for!Hiking:3 kilometers (1.9 miles), 2-3 hours, elevation +/- 579 meters (1,899 feet)

Day 7:Huilo Huilo Biological Reserve & Botanical Visit

Accommodation Name: Hotel Cabana del lago, Puerto Varas

Meals Included: Breakfast Lunch Dinner

This morning you’ll wake up feeling like you’re part of a fairy tale, as you stare out at the forest and volcano. Whoever thought a mushroom-shaped hotel could be so cozy? Today we’re lucky to have an extraordinary walking trail right on our doorstep! Stretching along the banks of the Fuy River, which originates from the glacial runoff on the slopes of the Mocho-Choshuenco Volcano, a stunning trail weaves its way through lush Valdivian forest with abundant birdlife, crystal clear tributary streams and picture-perfect waterfalls. Of course, if you’d prefer to kick back and soak in the hot pools at our lodgings, or soak in the lakeside views with a coffee or hot chocolate, there’s no better place to do it! Afterward, we’ll take a guided tour through the Botanical Gardens where we’ll be taught all about the flora and fauna of the natural reserve. Later today, we’ll head south to yet another picture-perfect settlement - Puerto Varas, nestled on the shoreline of Lago Llanquihue, the second largest lake in Chile.Hiking:3.4 kilotmeters (2.1 miles), 2-3 hours, flat

Day 8:Free Day In Puerto Varas

Accommodation Name: Hotel Cabaña del lago, Puerto Varas

Meals Included: Breakfast

Looming large across the shores of Lago Llanquihue, are the conical peaks of Volcán Osorno and Volcán Calbuco. The views of these imposing peaks are a great indicator of the array of options available to you here in Puerto Varas. The day is yours to explore this incredible adventure playground. Take a boat trip across the lake, walk the plethora of trails just outside town, work on your biking skills on the Osorno Volcano pump track, enjoy the view of four volcanoes whilst rafting the rapids of the Petrohué River - the options are endless. If you’re unsure what to do today, don’t worry, your guides will help you with planning (including the best places to eat), and there’s always another approach – simply soak in the Patagonia vibe whilst relaxing by the lake, just as the locals do.Notes:Check out the fantastic array of restaurants in Puerto Varas for your lunch and dinner

Day 9:Hike Alerce Andino National Park & Boat Trip To Llancahué Island, Hot Springs

Accommodation Name: Llancahué Hotel, Llancahué Island

Meals Included: Breakfast Lunch Dinner

This morning we’ll continue our journey south along the shores of the Pacific Ocean, driving through Puerto Montt, the main city in the Lakes district, until we reach the entrance of Alerce Andino National Park, known for the immersion it offers into the rain forest. We are on the foothills of the Andes yet very close to the Pacific, home to an amazing eco system. Among all the trees we will discover today, one that stands out is the ‘Fitzroya cupressoides’. The ‘Alerce’ or ‘Lahuen’ in native language is one of the longest living trees in the world, it grows at an impressive pace of 1 mm in circumference a year.

Today our hike allows us to discover a 3,000-year-old specimen, lying beside the Chaicas waterfall. We will enjoy a picnic lunch on the way, and our hike will see us return along the same route.

Afterwards, we reach our second mode of transport for the day, a ferry ride that will take us across the Reloncavi Fiord. We’ll head for Hornopirén, a village that gets its name from the nearby volcano and which means “Snow Oven” in Mapudungun, the Mapuche language. There are amazing views here, between the glacier of the volcano and the Andes that fall into Chilean fiords.

We’ll stop off along the drive through Hornopirén National Park for a wander. Renowned for its mountains, glaciers and volcanoes all packed into a relatively small area, along with a wide variety of fauna residing in the untouched temperate rainforest – this is a dreamlike setting. Later, we’ll take a quick boat ride alongside the Isla Pelada and across to Llancahué Island, our home for the evening. After another meal of delicious local fare, we’ll sit in hot pools and stare at the vast night sky.

We board our second boat of the day, but this time leave our van behind, a 30-minute ride will allows us to reach Llancahue Island our home for the next 2 days.
Before dinner we have a master class from the bar tender of chilean favorite drink. Rivalry between Peru and Chile have been extended for years about the invention of the South American spirit pisco, and its most perfect mixological expression, the pisco sour. Tonight, we discover the Chilean recipe...

After another meal of delicious local fare, we’ll yet again sit in hot pools and stare at the vast night sky.Hiking:5.2 miles (8.5 kilometers), 3-4 hours.
Elevation Gain/Loss: 393 feet (120 meters) ascent, 393 feet (120 meters) descent

Day 10:Mussel Boat Experience, Boat Journey To Quintupeu Cahuelmo Fiords In Parque Pumalín

Accommodation Name: Llancahué Hotel, Llancahué Island

Meals Included: Breakfast Lunch Dinner

Today we’ll hop on board a working boat to cross a very short stretch of water to reach Isla Cabras. Our captain, Claudio, owns a couple of mussels farms around the fjord and he will give us an introduction to his job, learning about the process of mussel farming! Mussel culture has been growing in Chile for the last 15 years and offers another sea-based income for the country which is also one of the main producers of salmons in the world. We will have the opportunity to pull out a rope full of shellfish, harvesting some to enjoy for dinner later.

We will head back to our hotel for lunch before taking a short boat ride to the entrance of one of the world’s most dramatic fiords, Cahuelmo, where we’ll encounter a South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens) colony.
On our way back to Llancahue island we discover a very narrow sea entrance towards the East, Quintupeu fiord, one of the world’s most dramatic fiords, home to incredible waterfalls and granite peaks (think Milford Sound in New Zealand). The deep blue waters of the fiord are met with the steep green forested walls of the Andes, rising over 4,200 feet (1,280 meters) above the water.

We’ll disembark on a small beach on Quintupeu fiord for a short hike to reach the base of an amazing waterfall, with a perfect pool for a swim at the foot of the fall. We’ll spend the evening back on the island, enjoy a soak in the hot pools before dinner, and reflect on a day full of mesmerizing landscapes.   Hiking:0.5-1 hour

Day 11:Sea Kayak Reloncavi Fiord

Accommodation Name: Petrohue Lodge, Petrohue

Meals Included: Breakfast Lunch Dinner

After an early breakfast, those who’ve not yet had their fill of springs may have time for a quick dip before we head back to Hornopirén village and along the shores of Reloncavi Fiord to Cochamo. We’ll grab a hearty snack before hitting the water on tandem sea kayaks for a paddle in the calm waters of this fiord. Here the clear waters of the Petrohué River meet the salt waters of the Gulf, passing snow-capped peaks, cascading waterfalls and oftentimes the occasional visitor in the form of a sea lion or dolphin! Lunch today is a highlight, as we’ll stop at a small, locally owned farm for a local meal. This is a great opportunity to spend time with the Yolanda family, who’ve been living on the banks of this fiord for three generations. After our paddle, we’ll head through the wilderness to our lodging for the evening, the stunning and homely Petrohué Lodge. This beautiful place sits on the very edge of the Lago Todos Los Santos and the mouth of the Petrohué River. With the Osorno Volcano in the background, it’s the perfect place to kick back, relax and soak in the views of both the lake and the volcano.Kayaking:2 hours

Day 12:Hike Osorno Volcano

Accommodation Name: Petrohue Lodge, Petrohue

Meals Included: Breakfast Lunch Dinner

Petrohué Lodge has its very own pioneer’s museum, which you’ll likely have discovered the night before. When you awake today, you’ll feel like a pioneer as you stare over the lake and imagine what Swiss visionary Don Ricardo Roth imagined when he set out to transform the lodge from a failing transport company to a charming wilderness lodge. In those days travelers would undertake an arduous multi-day journey to get to the lodge, a strategic resting point on the way to Peulla. These days, it’s the perfect base to enjoy Volcán Osorno, standing tall on the edge of Vicente Perez Rosales National Park. We’ll begin our hike through the barren, tortured volcanic landscape that gradually transforms into lush woodland and finally reveals an astonishing view of Lago Todos Los Santos, when we reach the high point of the hike – Desolation Pass. It’s a breathtaking sight! We’ll return to Petrohué Lodge for the evening and celebrate the days hike with a glass of red wine and an open fire. As if that’s not enough, there are wonderful wood-fired hot tubs dotted around the hotel ready for an evening soak.Hiking:12 kilometers (8.7 miles), 4-6 hours, elevation + 592 meters (1,940 feet) / - 592 meters (1,940 feet)

Day 13:Cross Lago Todos Los Santos And Journey Over The Andes

Accommodation Name: Las Marianas Family Hotel, Bariloche

Meals Included: Breakfast Lunch Dinner

This morning’s journey will take us on the pioneering lakes route (also known as ‘Cruce Andino’) that you’ll have heard so much about whilst staying at Petrohué Lodge. We’ll board a catamaran for a cruise across Lago Todo Los Santos to Peulla where we’ll stop for lunch. Then, after a dramatic crossing of the Andes into Argentina, it’s a short boat trip across Lago Frías to Puerto Alegre, and a bus to Puerto Blest. A catamaran departs from Puerto Blest for a beautiful one-hour trip along Lago Nahuel Huapi to Puerto Panuelo, from there the final stretch takes us back on terra firma to Bariloche. This is an outstandingly beautiful trip that’ll immerse you in the landscapes that Patagonia is so well-known for! We’ll arrive back in the relative hustle and bustle of Bariloche, in time to enjoy a farewell dinner celebrating our discovery of Patagonia’s natural wilderness.

Day 14:Depart For Home

Accommodation Name: No Accommodation

Meals Included: Breakfast

Today is the final day of your trip to explore the incredible diversity and beauty of Northern Patagonia. You’ll leave feeling relaxed, refreshed and invigorated after exploring one of the most dramatically beautiful places on Earth. Your trip leader will arrange transport to the airport for you, if you’re flying out today. If you’ve made your own arrangements to stay on a bit longer, enjoy your time!

Check out our Q&As

  • What happens if I need to change my holiday date once I’ve booked?

    You are covered by our Active Adventures Assurance policy.

  • How long has the tour company been trading?

    Since 1996

  • Who will be my travelling companions on the tour?

    Our trips attract a wide range of people from all different backgrounds, countries and ages, which makes our small group adventures all the more interesting and fun. All our people tend to enjoy active lifestyles, great food, good company and new experiences. If this sounds like you, then you’ll be in good company

  • What documents will I receive before I travel?

    We send online booking information via our club page you’ll gain access to your trip notes, destination information, a detailed gear list and all the information you need for your trip. There are a few things to fill in – medical and dietary information, extra accommodation requests, gear hire requests etc. – to ensure you are well prepared for your adventure vacation.

  • What Ethical Travel credentials does the tour company have?

    Travellers Against Plastic

  • Can I join the tour once it has departed?


  • Do you operate a “single share” option and how does it work?


  • What policies are in place for Covid-19?

    When it comes to the safety of our guests, it has always been our number one priority. We’ve introduced strict protocols to adhere to current Covid safety guidelines that are relative to the destination, country and location of your adventure – these are dependent on the current rules and restrictions that are in place at the time of your trip.

  • Will the accommodation included meet local health and safety regulations?

    Health and safety are just as important as the amazing places in the most stunning parts of the world we travel. Another focus of ours is having a good place to rest and rejuvenate at the end of a busy day, and to make sure we are fully charged for the next day’s activities, so you’ll always find yourself in a clean, comfortable room.

  • Am I contributing to any charity by booking the tour?


Reviews of this operator

Carmelita Perez  

Great Company


Active Adventures is a great way to go if your idea of a perfect trip is getting out and hiking, bicycling and kayaking in some of the most beautiful countryside in the world, with guides who are local, experienced, fun, flexible and take excellent care of their clientele.

Dave, United States  

Northern Italy Adventure, Dolce Vita


My wife and I went on the Dolce Vita trip with Active Adventures and we both feel that it was one of our top 3 holidays ever. We LOVED our guides (Andrea & Enrico - one for the mountains and one for the Lakes Region kayaking). The natural beauty was amazing but the care our guides took of the group was truly beyond our expectations. Bravo to Active Adventures for partnering with such amazing local guides who are not only knowledgeable but funny and a true pleasure to be around. We LOVED this trip and plan to do more!

Jodi, United States  

Tortuga, November 2021


The trip was wonderful – better than ever imagined. Snorkelling was the highlight of the trip. I never thought we would snorkel so close to sea turtles and with sea lions – it was fantastic. Walking near blue-footed boobies and their chicks and stepping around sea lions, it was unbelievable. We even got up close to white-tipped sharks. We had a group of 13 that went In September 2021, and it was a truly remarkable experience for all of us.

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  • Free Date Changes

    Active Adventures allows you to make 1 free date changes, as long as the change is made at least 90 days before the start of the tour.

  • Transfer as credit to Future Tours

    Active Adventures allows you to transfer existing payments to a future tour to avoid cancellation fees if you can't travel and inform active adventures, 90 days before departure.

  • Low Deposit

    Active Adventures requires a minimum deposit of 500 GBP per person or the full booking value, whichever is less, with the final balance not due until 90 days before departure.

  • Cancellation Policy

    We don't charge a cancellation fee, here is a summary of active adventures charges.

    Up to 91 days before tour starts: Forfeit 100% of deposit.

    At 90 days before tour starts: Forfeit 50% of booking price.

    At 60 days before tour starts: Forfeit 100% of booking price.